Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Little and lots of inspiration.

So I haven't been posting much lately as I have not been inspired for my nails much lately. There is a lot out there, but when I have sat down to get to work, it just hasn't come. So I decided to let my nails breathe for a few days instead. And maybe, just maybe some of my shorter nails will buck up and grow a bit. 
In the mean time, I have been planning my wedding a bit more. It is now less than 6 months away!  One of the things I have been working on is a brooch bouquet. I have some collected and water to start making the "flowers" out of them to see where I am at am what I have. It's a pretty easy process, but time intensive for each one. 

I have about a third of my collected brooches now stemming some basic stems at the moment. Once I finish this step in the process with the remainder, I will be wrapping the wire with floral tape and then making bunches out of the individual flowers. Stay tuned for more progress pictures for this project!

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