Tuesday, April 16, 2013

NOTD: Neon with China Glaze Celtic Sun

I have a confession....I have been late to the game in obsessing with neons.  I have been ALL about neon color lately. I don't know if it is the weather, or the boring, I mean to say muted, clothes that I wear to work typically or what. But I find when I am thinking about my next mani, I keep reaching for the bottles of neon. I could be guilty of a lot worse I guess. ;) And in light of all that happened in Boston yesterday, this bright color gives me a bit of peace and sunshine when I think of what a lot of my friends are dealing with at home right now. Small as that may be...

I used China Glaze Celtic Sun with Whirled Away on top. I originally started out with Celtic Sun on top of just base coat. But the color is a bit watery, so after layer upon layer, I scrapped it and put a white base coat down first. This is 2 coats on top of the white. MUCH BETTER! I also love this glitter....well. The look of it anyway. I am not a fan of its actual application. It s just a nightmare. The glitter wants to stick to the brush or clump up at the end of my nail. I ended up having to use a tooth pick to place it on my nail. The overall result was worth it!

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